Sebastian Watzl

I am a philosopher. My focus is on philosophical issues about attention. I work as a professor at the University of Oslo.

What’s new

GoodAttention Midterm Report (04/2024)

I suppose writing a scientific report is not meant to be the most fun part of having an ERC-grant. But it did bring me/us to re-do our website, and share with the world some of the cool things we have been doing. Browse through it.

Technology, Power, and the Attention Economy (04/2024)

I’m looking forward to talking on Friday, April 26th, to a faculty meeting about Artificial Intelligence at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. My talk is on how we should shift from a focus on ethics of technology to a focus on our techno-societal structures. In the case of AI the biggest issue, in my view concerns the power of those who control the relevant systems. I’ve been very influenced by Emily Bender’s fantastic work in this context.

The most important problem online (04/2024)

So I guess I’m leaning into the click-bait with this title. Anyway, a new Op-Ed in Klassekampen (08.04.2024) on Det viktigste problemet ved oppmerksomhet på nett.

Ethics, Attention, and the Digital World (01/2024)

Our digital devices threaten our attention daily. What problems does this distraction pose to individuals? To society?  Katharine Browne, Tone Hagerup, Line Horgen Thorstad and I have have developed to learn to navigate these issues. As far as I know it is the textbook style teaching resource on the ethics of attention, social media, and digital distraction. We have lessons on “Attention and Ethics”, “The Attention Economy”, “Algorithms, Attention, and Democracy” and “Agenda-setting, Justice and Attention”.

Attention workers of the world unite (12/2023)

We just published an Op-Ed in Klassekampen (with Katharine Browne and Line Horgen Thorstad). The piece is in Norwegian.

Talk at Bergen workshop on AI and the Future of Protest Politics' (12/2023)

I’m presenting the latest version of Katharine Browne and my paper on what is wrong with commodifying attention. Excited to go to Bergen, to meet some old friends, give this paper one more time and get to know about what others are doing in this space.

Paper on Rationality and Salience (10/2023)

I finished a new version of my paper on why it’s rational to pay attention to something just because it consciously captures your attention. Let’s see how this fares under review….