
Under review/forthcoming

Article on the Ethics of Attention Markets (with K. Browne, under review)

Article on Rationality and Salience (under review)


Watzl, S. (2023). What attention is. The priority structure account. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 14(1), e1632.

Nes, S., Sundberg, K. and Watzl, S (2023). The Perception/Cognition Distinction, Inquiry 66, no. 2: 165-195


Watzl S. (2022). Self-control, attention, and how to live without special motivational powers, In M. Brent (ed.), Mental action and the conscious mind, Routledge

Watzl S. (2022). The ethics of attention, In: Sophie Archer (ed.), Salience, Routledge

Friedman, Y. Watzl, S. Oftedal, G. and Gørbitz, CH (2022), Kurering, Heling, og Habilitering, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening


Watzl, S. (2019). Culture or Biology? If this sounds interesting, you might be confused. In: Social Philosophy of Science for the Social Sciences (Ed. Jaan Valsiner), Springer

Watzl S. (2019). Can Representationism Explain How Attention Affects Appearances?, In; A. Pautz and D. Stoljar (eds), Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block's Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness (pp. 581-607), The MIT Press


Watzl, S. (2018). Consciousness, and No Self?. Ratio, 31(4), 363–375.

Watzl S. (2018). Is Attention a Non-propositional Attitude?, In: Non-Propositional Intentionality (eds. M. Montague and A. Grzankowski), Oxford University Press (August 2018)


Watzl S. (2014). Perceptual Guidance, Ratio, 27(4): 369–505

Watzl S. (2014). Attentional Organization and the Unity of Consciousness, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 21 (7-8): 56-87


Watzl S. (2013). Silencing the Experience of Change, Philosophical Studies, 165 (3): 1009-1032


Watzl S. (2011c). The Nature of Attention, Philosophy Compass, 6 (11): 842–853

Watzl S. (2011b). The Philosophical Significance of Attention, Philosophy Compass, 6 (11): 722–733

Watzl S. (2011a). Attention as Structuring of the Stream of Consciousness, In: Attention: Philosophical and Psychological Essays (eds. Mole C., Smithies D. and Wu W.), Oxford University Press


Rokem A., Watzl, S. Gollisch T., Stemmler M., Herz A.V.M., and Samengo I. (2006). Spike-Timing Precision Underlies the Coding Efficiency of Auditory Receptor Neurons, Journal of Neurophysiology, 95:2541-2552


Menzel R., Greggers U., Smith A., Berger S., Brandt R., Brunke S., Bundrock G., Hülse S., Plümpe T., Schaupp F., Schüttler E., Stach S., Stindt J., Stollhoff N., and Watzl S. (2005). Honey bees navigate according to a map-like spatial memory, PNAS, 102 (8): 3040-3045